NEWSLETTER V - October 17th, 2024
In this Issue:
General Assembly Meeting Details
Community Service Opportunities
Social Media
General Assembly Meeting
This week is Fall Break so we will not be having a meeting this week.
Have a fun and safe Fall Break!
Community Service Opportunities
All candidates are required to complete 8 hours of community service throughout the semester. Tutoring is a great way to complete those hours while helping those in need. We also offer the opportunity to clean up after many WMU sports games. Look out in the weekly emails from our secretary for more upcoming dates and times. UHY is also hosting a community service event for BAP and NABA students. We will be making tie blankets for various children's hospitals around Michigan. If you are interested please email our secretary Lily at [email protected].
Virtual tutoring will be held from 6-8pm on Tuesdays on Teams.
You can find the link in Experience WMU or on the BAP website.
In-person tutoring will be held on Monday and Wednesdays from 6-8pm.
In-person tutoring will take place in Schneider Hall Room 1280.
If you want to sign up as a tutor, visit the "Fall 2024 Tutoring Registration" page under the dropdown "Home" on this website.
Firms for the next couple weeks:
October 24th - MI Office of Internal Audit and State Budgeting Office
October 31st - Halloween Social
November 7th - MI Office of the Auditor General
See the full list here.
Social Media
Follow us:
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