Newsletter IV - February 6, 2020
In this Issue:
General Assembly Meeting Details
Business Casual Dress
Mock Interviews
Social Media
General Assembly Meeting Details
Business Casual Dress
Mock Interviews
Social Media
General Assembly Meeting
This week we are welcoming UHY to speak with us about who they are and their 2020 Connect Program.
Dress is business casual. Food from Jimmy John's will be provided.
Dress is business casual. Food from Jimmy John's will be provided.
The deadline for dues has past. If you have not yet paid, please do so as soon as possible.
If you have or would like to sign up for the payment plan, please contact Anthony. Mock Interviews
We will be having Mock Interviews the week of March 27th. The Mock Interviews are mandatory. Here is the link to sing up.
Business Casual Dress
This week, dress is business casual. We recommend slacks and a button down shirt or polo for men. Women can wear a polo with slacks, a blouse with slacks or a conservative skirt, or a conservative dress. Solid colors and patterns are both acceptable for business casual. There is a general infographic here - this is not the definitive guide to what is acceptable; if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact an eboard member.
**For BAP, jeans are not considered business casual** |
Social Media
Please click on the icons below to follow our social media accounts.