NEWSLETTER XII - November 30th, 2023
In this Issue:
General Assembly Meeting Details
Accounting Study Abroad to Ireland
Social Media
General Assembly Meeting
This Thursday, November 30th, from 6:30-8:00 p.m. we will be doing elections.
If you were nominated for a position, make sure you have a short speech ready.
Please dress casual.
Dinner will be Noodles and Company and refreshments will be provided.
Last Thursday we opened nominations for the Spring 2024 e-board.
Nominations are still open through this week.
Vice President: Emlyn Verbrigghe
Treasurer: Frans Tanade; Brady Layher
Secretary: Frans Tanade; Brady Layher
Community Service: Joshua Hector; Cooper Kozak
Director of Communications: Alyssa Krazel
If your name is on this list, make sure to have a short speech prepared about why you would
be a good fit in that position for our November 30th meeting where elections will take place.
All candidates are required to complete 8 hours of tutoring throughout the semester.
Check your hours for the semester here:
Voluneering Hours Fall 2023
(These are updated as of 11/10/23)
Virtual tutoring will be held from 6-8:00 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays on Teams.
You can find the link in Experience WMU or on the BAP website.
In-person tutoring will be held on Tuesdays from 6-8:00pm.
In-person tutoring will take place in Schneider Hall Room 1280.
In-Person Sign up
Virtual Sign up
Meetings for the next couple of weeks:
December 7th: Banquet
See the full list here.
Accounting Study Abroad to Ireland
This is for anyone who is interested in the Ireland study abroad oppourtunity over the summer.
There has already been two info-meetings, but if you were not able to attend either of those meetings,
there will be one more meeting on November 30th at 5 pm. The location is Schneider Hall Room 1225.
If you have any questions, please contact Jim Penner via email.
Social Media
Follow us:
Instagram LinkedIn
In this Issue:
General Assembly Meeting Details
Accounting Study Abroad to Ireland
Social Media
General Assembly Meeting
This Thursday, November 30th, from 6:30-8:00 p.m. we will be doing elections.
If you were nominated for a position, make sure you have a short speech ready.
Please dress casual.
Dinner will be Noodles and Company and refreshments will be provided.
Last Thursday we opened nominations for the Spring 2024 e-board.
Nominations are still open through this week.
Vice President: Emlyn Verbrigghe
Treasurer: Frans Tanade; Brady Layher
Secretary: Frans Tanade; Brady Layher
Community Service: Joshua Hector; Cooper Kozak
Director of Communications: Alyssa Krazel
If your name is on this list, make sure to have a short speech prepared about why you would
be a good fit in that position for our November 30th meeting where elections will take place.
All candidates are required to complete 8 hours of tutoring throughout the semester.
Check your hours for the semester here:
Voluneering Hours Fall 2023
(These are updated as of 11/10/23)
Virtual tutoring will be held from 6-8:00 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays on Teams.
You can find the link in Experience WMU or on the BAP website.
In-person tutoring will be held on Tuesdays from 6-8:00pm.
In-person tutoring will take place in Schneider Hall Room 1280.
In-Person Sign up
Virtual Sign up
Meetings for the next couple of weeks:
December 7th: Banquet
See the full list here.
Accounting Study Abroad to Ireland
This is for anyone who is interested in the Ireland study abroad oppourtunity over the summer.
There has already been two info-meetings, but if you were not able to attend either of those meetings,
there will be one more meeting on November 30th at 5 pm. The location is Schneider Hall Room 1225.
If you have any questions, please contact Jim Penner via email.
Social Media
Follow us:
Instagram LinkedIn