Newsletter VII - November 11, 2021
In This Issue:
General Assembly Meeting
Community Service Hours
General Assembly Meeting
Community Service Hours
General Assembly Meeting:
This week we will be joined virtually by UWorld Roger. Please come with a laptop (or another device you can work on) and dressed in business casual
This week we will be joined virtually by UWorld Roger. Please come with a laptop (or another device you can work on) and dressed in business casual
Community Service Hours:
We will also be discussing community service hours in this week's meeting. Outside of the large group event that we would like to schedule, there are other opportuinties to complete your hours, including:
* Writing letters to a first responder or military service member (1 hour per letter)
* Donating blood (2 hours)
* Donating 10 clothing items/books (1 hour per 10 items)
Proof of these events would need to be sent to our Reporter, Reilly. Please send documentation of your service hours to "[email protected]". If you have completed any service hours prior to today, please send documentation of that to Reilly as well.
We will also be discussing community service hours in this week's meeting. Outside of the large group event that we would like to schedule, there are other opportuinties to complete your hours, including:
* Writing letters to a first responder or military service member (1 hour per letter)
* Donating blood (2 hours)
* Donating 10 clothing items/books (1 hour per 10 items)
Proof of these events would need to be sent to our Reporter, Reilly. Please send documentation of your service hours to "[email protected]". If you have completed any service hours prior to today, please send documentation of that to Reilly as well.