Meet the Firms
Additional Information
Directions to The Fetzer Center
For directions to The Fetzer Center and a map of the campus area, please visit this website:
The parking lot that you are permitted to park in is the Fetzer Center lot #72F.
Check in will begin at 5:00PM at the Fetzer Center to allow time for set up of your organization's table.
The cost to attend is $400 per organization. If you have not already sent payment to Beta Alpha Psi by mail to the address listed below, you may bring a check with you the night of the event. If you have additional questions regarding payment please contact our Treasurer at [email protected].
Department of Accountancy
Haworth College of Business
Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo, MI 49008-5402
The Event
Students will be dressed in business professional attire as they come up to your table to discover more about your firm, network with your organization's representatives, and inquire about opportunities within your organization. Also during the event feel free to enjoy the light food and refreshments that will be provided.
The event will end at 8:00PM, but please feel free to stay and interact with students as long as you wish.
Directions to The Fetzer Center
For directions to The Fetzer Center and a map of the campus area, please visit this website:
The parking lot that you are permitted to park in is the Fetzer Center lot #72F.
Check in will begin at 5:00PM at the Fetzer Center to allow time for set up of your organization's table.
The cost to attend is $400 per organization. If you have not already sent payment to Beta Alpha Psi by mail to the address listed below, you may bring a check with you the night of the event. If you have additional questions regarding payment please contact our Treasurer at [email protected].
Department of Accountancy
Haworth College of Business
Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo, MI 49008-5402
The Event
Students will be dressed in business professional attire as they come up to your table to discover more about your firm, network with your organization's representatives, and inquire about opportunities within your organization. Also during the event feel free to enjoy the light food and refreshments that will be provided.
The event will end at 8:00PM, but please feel free to stay and interact with students as long as you wish.
The Gamma Rho Chapter of Beta Alpha Psi would like to sincerely apologize that the date of Meet the Firms falls on Rosh Hashanah. Historically this event always falls on the third Thursday following the first day of school and we made an inadvertent, but unacceptable scheduling error in not carefully reviewing the date for important conflicts. We promise to do better when scheduling events going forward.